The Jerusalem Link      
Sharing Jerusalem


Excerpts from Daphna Golan and Amneh Badran’s Introduction to the Sharing Jerusalem book:

“We believe that the future of Jerusalem is central to the success of the peace process and that without investment in finding a way to live together in this city, there can be no enduring peace in the region. The first step in meeting the challenge of “sharing Jerusalem” requires the opening of channels of communication and interaction, which allow for diversity and mutual respect. It is essential that the multiple meanings of Jerusalem be understood by diverse sectors, that the different boundaries proposed for this city be discussed and that the essential pluralism be maintained through a viable model of coexistence. To achieve these objectives it was necessary to form a model of cooperation based on the principle of mutual respect.”

“June 1997 marked 30 years to the Israeli occupation and subsequent annexation of East Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Link decided to mark the occasion in an unprecedented way by taking on a project that we called “Sharing Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two States”. Envisioned, planned and organized jointly by Palestinian and Israeli women of the Jerusalem Link, this project made manifest the idea that, with mutual trust and understanding joint efforts are possible.”

“This book is our collective voice of protest over the realities in Jerusalem — land confiscation, the demolition of Palestinian homes, the construction of settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank, the closure — and our demand to have a just peace. This book also presents our shared vision of the different cultures of the city, the diverse spirit and the dreams we have for its future.”

Sharing Jerusalem, edited by Amneh Badran, Daphna Golan, and Jack Persekian, produced by The Jerusalem Link, was funded in part by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the European Commission, the Ford Foundation, and the Australian Embassy in Israel.
Copies of the book can be ordered from
Bat Shalom, PO Box 8083, Jerusalem Israel 91080, [email protected]; or
The Jerusalem Center for Women, PO Box 51630 Jerusalem, [email protected].

Sharing Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two States
17-21 June 1997

We hope you will join us in Jerusalem in June!

We would like to extend this invitation for you to join Palestinians and Israelis at our week-long series of cultural and political events held from June 17-21, 1997. These events will be held in both East and West Jerusalem under the theme: “Sharing Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two States.” The goal of Sharing Jerusalem is to mobilize concerned Israelis and Palestinians and to draw the attention of the domestic and international community to the urgency of addressing the future of Jerusalem in a way which recognizes the political and human rights of all residents in the city.

The Sharing Jerusalem activities will include:
‘Spirit, Realities, and Future of Jerusalem’ Town Meetings: “Town Meetings” with academics, politicians, and activists devoted to exploring the history, cultures, and religions of Jerusalem, along with the status of human rights and social welfare of the current members of the city, with city residents and concerned individuals.

Alternative Tours of the City – targeting neighborhoods, institutions, religious places, settlements, and overviews of city services. Art Exhibitions – Exhibitions of Palestinian, Israeli, and international artists in different galleries throughout the city.

March Culminating in Gala Closing Concert with Sinead O’Connor- held June 21, concluding the event with a Gala Concert by Sinead O’Connor and Palestinian and Israeli artisits in the historic Sultan’s Pool overlooking the walls of the Old City.

This project is supported by thousands of Palestinians and Israelis and is our way to say that the people of Jerusalem want to live together in peace and should have a voice in the future of the city. The Steering Committee of Sharing Jerusalem consists of activists, intellectuals, politicians and artists from Palestine and Israel. We also are supported by a wonderful International Board.

There are many ways you can show your support for “Sharing Jerusalem”:

We would love to have you join us in Jerusalem in June. Please feel free to email Daphna Golan or Amneh Badran — Coordinators of Sharing Jerusalem, if you would like more information.

If you cannot attend, you can still voice your support by signing our petition. Your name will join the many Palestinian, Israeli, and International supporters who have already signed.

You can also help by informing other interested individuals about the “Sharing Jerusalem” project and asking them to lend their name in support by signing the petition.

We are happy to send information about “Sharing Jerusalem” to individuals. Please email us the addresses and faxes of people you think might be interested. If you would like to show your support for the project through a contribution, you may send tax-deductable checks to the New Israel Fund office closest to you indicating the money should support the “Sharing Jerusalem” project of Bat Shalom.

Sharing Jerusalem Petition

We, Palestinians, Israelis, and other peoples from around the world concerned about the future of Jerusalem and the peace process, are convinced Jerusalem can be shared, and a just solution can be envisioned for the city of Jerusalem — Two Capitals for Two States. The Jerusalem Link was founded by women who believe independent, equal and interactive institutions can lead to a just and fruitful peace between Palestinians and Israelis, based on the principles of mutual respect for national and human rights. We believe the Jerusalem Link model can be applied to further the goal of sharing Jerusalem.

We believe the people of Jerusalem should take an active part in defining and shaping the future of their city, and that is why we will take part in jointly planned cultural, social and political activities across both sides of Jerusalem — to raise our voice, and to take action to make sure the future of Jerusalem will be one of peace and coexistence, where the rights of both peoples to sovereignty within the city will be recognized.

We, the undersigned Palestinians, Israelis, and concerned members of the international community, call upon you to join us in this effort for the future of Jerusalem and peace in the entire region.

Please add your name to the petition by emailing either the Israeli women’s center, Bat Shalom or the Palestinian women’s center, The Jerusalem Center for Women with a message of support.

“Sharing Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two States” – June 1997

We hope you will join us in Jerusalem in June!

17:30 — Press Conference – Ambassador Hotel
19:00 — Reception – Ambassador Hotel Gardens
20:00 — Art Exhibition Openings
*”Down the Occupation ’87-’97” – Al-wasati Art Center and Jerusalem
Center for Visual Arts
*”Home” – Gallery Anadiel
*Poster Exhibitions – Ambassador Hotel and Zig Zag Cafe

9:00 — Tour: Al-Aksa Mosque and adjacent areas
Tour: Ethnic and Religious Groups
Tour: Settlement and Bypass Roads Annexation Policy
14:00- 16:00 Symposia I: “Spirit of Jerusalem” – Ambassador Hotel
21:30 — Jazz Evening: Liz Magnes and Karin Abdel Latif – Ambassador Gardens

9:00 — Tour: Settlements and Bypass Roads: the Judiazation of Jerusalem
Tour: Christian Heritage in Jerusalem
10:00-12:00 — Symposia II: ” Realities of Jerusalem” – Ambassador Hotel
14:00-16:00 — Town Meeting: ” Future of Jerusalem” – Ambassador Hotel
20:00 — “Jerusalem Nights” Radio Live – Al-Kassabe Theatre
Musical Evening: Tarshiha – National Theatre
21:00 — Jazz Evening: Phillippe Catherine – Zig Zag Cafe

9:30 — Tour: Along the Green Line
Tour: Around the Old City Walls
Tour: Settlements and Housing in Jerusalem
13:00 — Demonstration: Women in Black – Paris Square
20:00 — Nazareth Group of Folklore and Modern Dance – National Theatre
21:30 — Jazz Evening: Phillippe Catherine – Ambassador Gardens

9:30 — Tour: Three Neighborhoods Near the Old City
Tour: Full Day – East and West Jerusalem
17:30 — Main Political Event – Damascus Gate
18:30 — March to Sultan’s Pool
20:30– Gala Musical Concert featuring Sinead O’Connor, Palestinian and Israeli

Guest Artists – Sultan’s Pool


Maha Abu-Dayeh Director, Women’s Center Legal Counseling
Shulamit Aloni Former Minister of Culture
Lamis Alami Dir. UNRWA Education System
M.K. Naomi Chazan Deputy Knesset Speaker, Meretz Party
Hanan Arouri Physiotherapist, Palestinian Medical Relief
Nola Chelton Director, Haifa Theatre
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi Minister Higher Education, PNA
Ruth Cohen Co-Founder, Women in Black
Violet Fasheh Dean of Education. Bethlehem University
Ruth Dayan Activist
Salwa Hubeib Qannam Head, PLO Women’s League
Prof. Galia Golan Spokesperson, Peace Now
Faisal Husseini Minister in Charge of Jerusalem, PNA
MK Tamar Gozansky Member Knesset, Hadash Party
Zahira Kamal Director, Gender program, Ministry Planning, PNA
David Grossman Writer
Amal Kreisheh Psychologist, Working Women’s Society
Batya Gur Writer
Salwa Mustafa Activist
Prof. Galit Hazan-Rokem Prof. Hebrew Literature, Hebrew University
Prof. Sumayah Nasser Biologist & Lecturer, Bir Zeit University
Magdelena Hefetz Artist
Vera Nofal Activist
Samira Khoury Chair, Movement Democratic Women in Israel
Prof. Sari Nusseibeh President, Al-Quds Univ.
Sarah Kaminker City Planner, Jerusalem Municipality
Rana Nashashibi Director, Palestinian Counseling Center
Liz Magnes Musician
Leila Shahid Ambassador of Palestine to France
Dr. Mariam Mar’i Director, Acre Women’s Pedagogical Center
Randa Sharaf Journalist, Palestinian Broadcasting Corp.
Hagar Roublev Peace Activist
Samieh Bamieh Trainer, Ministry of Planning, PNA
Edna & Joshua Sobel Stage Designer & Director


Senator Spencer ABRAHAM Senator from Michigan , USA
Bella ABZUG President, Women’s Environment & Development Organization, USA
Serge ADDA Director, Canal + Horizon, France
Jacques ATTALI former Advisor to Francois Mitterand, France
Rene BACKMAN journalist, “le Nouvel Observateur”, France
Olga BATTI journalist, Greece
Sophie BESSIS journalist, Tunis
Marida BOLOGNESI President, Commission of Social Affairs, Italy
Kamal BOULLATA Morocco
Constance BORDE France
Arturo BRACHETTI actor, Italy
Trautl BRANDSTALLER Austrian Broadcasting Corp, Austria
John BUNZL professor, Political Science, Austria
Juan Luis CEBRIAN writer, Spain
Aldo CECCINO Italian Consulate in Jerusalem, Italy
Victoria CHAPLIN artist, Italy
Luciana CASTELLINA Member, European Parliament, Italy
Michele COTTA journalist, France
Marcelle DEVAUD European Women’s Lobby, France
Sandile DIKENI writer, South Africa
Nathalie DUHAMEL General Director, “Association Contre la Faim”, France
Jamie FARR actor, USA
Alain FINKIELKRAAUT philosopher, France
Anna FINOCCHIARO Minister of Equal Opportunities, Italy
Bernard FOCROULLE Director Royal Opera, Belgium
Antoinette FOUQUE Member European Parliament, France
Genevieve FRAISSE Philosopher, “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique”, France
Francoise GASPARD Former Member of Parliament, France
Salima GHEZALI Chief editor, “La Nation”, France
Anne GISCARD d’ESTAING President, “La Fondation pour L’Enfance”, France
Nadine GORDIMER Nobel Prize Literature, South Africa
Juan GOYTISOLO writer, Spain
Gunther GRASS Nobel Prize Literature, Germany
Francesca GRAZZINI Journalist, Italy
Giselle HALIMI former Ambassador to Unesco, France
Aloyisea INYUMBA Minister, Family & Women Development, Rwanda
Francois JACOB Nobel Prize Medicine, France
Erica JONG writer, USA
Ghada KARMI U.K.
Pia LOCATELLI President, Women’s Socialist International, Italy
Dacia MARAINI writer, Italy
Maria Luisa MARINAKIS Deputy Counsel, Greek Consulate in Jerusalem, Greece
Everett MENDELSOHN Professor, Harvard University, USA
Marie Claire MENDES-FRANCE President, Institut Mendes-France, France
Pierre MERTENS writer, Belgium
Malika MOKKADEM writer, France
Luisa MORGANTINI activist, Italy
Dalila MORSLY painter, France
Rabea NACERI “Collectif Maghreb-Egalite”, Morocco
Gianni NANNINI singer, Italy
Pasqualina NAPOLETANO Member European Parliament, Italy
Kathy NIJIM actress, USA
Moni OVADIA actress, Italy
Margaretha PAPENDREOU Global Coordinator Women for Mutual Security, Greece
Laetizia PAOLUZZI journalist, “L’Unita”, Italy
Guiliano PISAPIA President, Commission of Justice, Italian Parliament, Italy
Letty COTTIN POGREBIN former Chairperson, Peace Now – USA
Gillo PONTECORVO film director, Italy
Jose RAMOS-HORTA Nobel Peace Prize 1996, East Timor
Lesego RAMPOLOKENG writer, South Africa
Representative Nick RAYHALL State Representative from Michigan , USA
Adrienne RICH writer, USA
Mordecai RICHLER writer, Canada
Ernestine RONAI Chief editor, “Clara” magazine, France
Carla ROCCHI Undersecretary Ministry of Education, Italy
Eric ROULEAU former French Ambassador to Turkey, France
Sonia RYKIEL fashion designer, France
Nourdine SAADI professor, France
Abraham SAFATY political activist
Pauline SALMONA former President, “Commission des Droits de l’Hommes”, France
Gabriele SALVATORE film director, Italy
Francisca SAUQUILLO Member, European Parliament, Spain
Elias SANBAR Director, Revue d’Etudes Palestiniennes
Gudrun SCHYMAN Vansterpartiet, Germany
Leila SEBBAR writer, France
Susan SONTAG writer, USA
Simone SUSSKIND Belgium
Gloria STEINEM founder, “Ms.” magazine, USA
Anna TERRONI I CUSI member European Parliament, Spain
Oliviero TOSCANI photographer, Italy
Aminata TRAORE Mali
Livia TURCO Minster of Social Affairs, Italy
Linda WEIL-CURIEL France
John WHITBECK lawyer, USA
Corinne WHITLATCH Director, Churches for Middle East Peace, USA
Baroness WILLOUGHBY Member of House of Lords, U.K.
Els WITTE Rector, “Free University of Brussels”, Belgium