In Memory of

Hagar Roublev



Maya Frankforter

Activity Coordinator

Najat Rabbi Zahalka

Molly Malekar


[email protected]

Neta Rotem

Political Coordinator

Keren Assaf


Orit Berman

former office manager

Itaf Awad

Office administrator for the head of the municipality and advisor for Women’s Issues in the Municipality of Daburiah; facilitator in “mutual Counseling”, “Beyond Words”, “Maagal Hakshava”; founded Women’s Group from the village of Daburiah; initiated Listening Circles of Arad and Jewish Women

Nava Eisin

Member of the Labor Party Central Committee; Director of the Archives of Jewish Education at Tel-Aviv University, chairperson of The Adam Institute for Peace and Democracy; one of the founders of Bat Shalom

Ruth El-Raz

Clinical Social Worker, co-founder of the Counseling Center for Women; peace activist since 1970 and among the founders of Women in Black, activist with the women’s movement in Israel since the 1970s

Nava Elyashar

Systems analyst; activist in Women in Black, Bat Shalom and Machsomwatch

Adi Livny

Romy Shapira

Amira Gelblum

An historian with a specialization in women’s history, veteran grassroots activist in peace and feminist movements; one of the founders of Women in Black, former editor of Noga magazine, member of the founding committee of the Community School for Women

Edna Gluckman

A veteran peace activist in women’s organizations and a founder of Nashim L’maan Du-Kium ( Women for Coexistence )

Debby Lerman

A Bat Shalom member and activist since 1997; member of the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace; on the steering committee of the project “Year of the Worker”; activist and member of the management committee of Kav L’Oved ( the Worker’s Line )

Aida Shibli

A Bedouin woman Kfar Shibli, single mother to one daughter; works as a nurse and research coordinator at Hadassah Ein Karem hospital; activist with the Inter-religious Encounter Association in Jerusalem and the North; coordinator of the Muslim group in the Inter-religious Encounter in Jerusalem; activist in the groups Peacemakers Community and Ruah Shalom ( Spirit of Peace ) in Jerusalem; facilitator of a spiritual group called Makom L’Shalom ( A Place for Peace )

Aliyah Strauss

Chairperson in Israel of WILPF(Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom); activist in Women in Black

Galia Golan

Professor of Political Science; founding member of Bat Shalom; activist in the leadership of Peace Now; veteran activist in the feminist movement

Tamar Gozansky

Former Knesset Member from the Hadash Party; the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality; economist; veteran activist on rights for workers, women and minorities; former chairperson of Knesset Lobby for Children

Meira Hanson

An environmental and peace activist in Bat Shalom for a number of years; researcher on environment society and politics

Judi Widetzky Z”L

Founding Member of Bat Shalom (Brussels); past chair of World Labor Zionist Movement; past president Council of Women Organizations in Israel; ongoing participant for 20 years in varied Dialogs for Peace both National and International. Currently member of: Board of Weitz Center for Developmental Study, Board of ILAN-Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children, Board of International Council of Jewish Women, Israel Labor Party Central Committee


ily Traubmann

Political Coordinator
[email protected]

Shulamit Aloni

Former Minister of Education and former Minister of Communications and one of the founders of the Meretz Party

Colette Avital

Knesset Member from the Labor Party; Served as the Ambassador to Portugal and the Consul General in NY; Committed to advancing Arab, Bedouin, and students rights in Israel

Yael Dayan

Former Knesset Member from the Labor Party; writer and journalist

Tally Gur

A young human rights and peace activist; member and activist in Bat Shalom for a number of years; Spokeswoman for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel ( ACRI ); currently an MA student in public policy and management

Rola Hamed ( Abu-Zaid )

A young human rights and women’s rights activist from Nazareth; activist for the advancement of equal rights for the Palestinian minority in Israel; MA in peace research

Ravit Hanan-El

Working toward completion of a doctorate in Urban Planning at the Technion; master’s degree in Political Science from Tel-Aviv University; researcher in the field of women’s rights and inequality in Israeli society; member of a joint organization of Israeli and Palestinian students

Hussniya Jabara

Former Knesset Member, Meretz Party; Chairperson of the Department for the Middle East in the International Institute of Beit Berl

Anat Maor

Former Knesset Member, Meretz Party; veteran activist for peace, human rights, and women’s issues; member of Kibbutz Negba

Raya Rotem

An educator and veteran activist in the peace camp; founding member of Women in Black and very active in the movement; a spokesperson for WIB with a deep commitment to the feminist cause

Yehudit Zaidenberg

Program Coordinator
[email protected]

Nisreen Mazawi

Program Coordinator

Ester Brilliant


Hagar Roublev

former political coordinator

Ruthie Elbilya-Finnegan

former office manager

Dafna Kaminer

Jerusalem Political Committee

Judy Blanc

Jerusalem Political committee

Jessica Nevo


Manal Massalha

Political Coordinator

Gina Benevento

former public relations coordinator

Nahala Assad

former program coordinator

Daphna Golan

former director

Giulia Tomarelli


Gila Svirsky

former director

Terry Greenblatt

former director

Gali Gold

former spokesperson


Judith Warschawski

Jerusalem Political Committee